Suitable for Drivers and Crew who undertake Dinghy Race Duties
The session will take 1-2 hours.  It is based in the Club House and outside on dry land
- you will not need to wear sailing gear; however, please wear/bring appropriate outdoor clothes

Before attending
Please click on the links below and read them - we will explain them further at the Practice Session


  • Your responsibilities as Driver and Crew
  • The Safe Loading of the Support Boat (SB)
  • What clothing, footwear and buoyancy aid you need to wear
  • The importance of bringing reading glasses if you use them
  • That you may have to enter the water to
    - assist someone, for example, in the unlikely event they have a head injury
    - to help recover a dinghy, but only if you are confident in doing this

Practise checking that all equipment

  • is in place, up to date, in good working order following the SB1 Check Equipment LINK


  • your responsibilities as driver and crew
  • how to use an orange flare
  • how to use the following checklists:
    - SB1a - Checks Before Moving SB LINK
    - SB1b - Check Stern of SB LINK
    - SB1c - Check Fuel Locker LINK
    - SB1d - Check Fore Locker LINK
    - SB 1e - Recover SB

Practise preparing the Support Boat (SB) for launch

  • raising and lowering the engine before moving the SB
  • securing Big Bertha, the large, yellow round buoy
    - on land, if not needed, so that it does not blow away
    - to the SB, ready for towing it behind the SB, when on the water
  • inserting the expandable bung into the inner hole of the stern well, that is, always pointing forward
  • checking the water outlet is clear of obstructions
  • using the brush to clean the water inlet grills so they are clear of weed, mud, debris etc
  • throwing the throw bag
  • flushing the engine
  • securing the SB after use

Understand how to

  • complete the SB Log including any equipment issues
  • post any issues on the Dinghy WhatsApp, so they can be rectified ASAP
  • recognise what type of safety issues you should record in the Incident Book and how to write this up appropriately and maintain confidentiality

For further information or to book a practice session please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.